Letter to the Concordiensis Editor (May 17, 2001)

Student Forum Responds to the Issue of Civil Engineering

Dear Students, Faculty and Administrators,

As representatives of the student body, we would like to offer our opinion on the current debate over Union's Civil Engineering Program. First, we are very upset to hear that any academic program must be cut due to a lack of resources. During this time of rapid change at our institution, we urge the administration to carefully consider the ramifications of destroying a part of our academic uniqueness. The current proposal, including Converging Technologies, seems hastily ill designed. The civil engineering students have proven themselves to be positive contributors to this institution's high academic standing, and this credit lies with the civil engineering faculty. The engineering faculty is exemplary of the image that Union desires to project: professors who develop working relationships with students inside and outside the classroom.

Our strong engineering program is something that sets us apart from other New England liberal arts colleges. We should continue this trend of success by strengthening the integration between engineering and liberal arts, not by cutting a program and redistributing resources elsewhere. If we are to continue to attract a diverse student body, we must continue to offer a diverse academic program.

We are confident that the necessary resources can be found and organized to save civil engineering until more money is received in the form of grants and endowment return. We hope that all parties working on the fate of civil engineering come toward a goal of resource reorganization until more resources can be tapped to strengthen all academic programs at Union, as the Plan For Union states.


Avrum Joffe - Vice President Academics

On behalf of the entire Student Forum

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